Sevan Startup Summit 2018

It is the first outdoor campsite-based forum that fosters intensive deal-making and immersive conversations about the most burning topics in entrepreneurship today. The summit attracts leading Angels, Venture Capitalists, Entrepreneurs and Policy Makers willing to join their peers in an intimate setting to think, act and transform their environment via entrepreneurship.

Sevan Startup Summit 2018, the Gala event of all the Summits held this year, will be organized at the shore of Lake Sevan. After two successful international Summits in the UAE and India held earlier this year, the organizers are getting ready for the Gala event. It will gather about 1000 entrepreneurs from all over the globe and build a new bridge for cooperation. From July 22nd to 29th the participants will live in tents and share common lifestyle, which as practice shows, leads to more constructive cooperation.

Seven Startup Summit holds on every year since 2016 at Sevan lake’s shore. Credit: Seven Startup Summit holds on every year since 2016 at Sevan lake’s shore. Credit: Startups, based on their stage of development will be distributed between starter and booster programmes, after which based on the field of operation will be distributed into tracks. The winner of each track will win $1,500 and get a chance to take part in Starter Big Battle and Booster Final Battle. The prize fund of the Summit will reach $50,000.

The Summit 2018 includes a week-long micro-acceleration programme with the investment fund of $100,000, supplemented by a series of deep-topic workshops for qualified startups, introductory sessions for aspiring entrepreneurs, and dialogues with inspiring leaders.

Among the announced speakers so far you can find Alexander Galitsky (managing partner at Almaz Capital ) who was numerous times honored as the most influential person in the Russian IT and Internet industry by Forbes, Rouben Vardanyan (co-founder of FAST – Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology and IDeA Foundation) an Armenian-Russian impact investor and social entrepreneur known both for his financial projects as well as his deep reaching philanthropic programs, Eli Talmor (professor at London Business School and the founder of Institute of Private Equity) one of the members of the nomination committee for the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences and many other influential individuals.

Startup applications for Sevan Startup Summit 2018 will be accepted till 30 of June. For free participation, it was necessary for startups to register and fill in the application until May 14. Starting from May 15 to June 4, the selected applicants will pay $30 per person, and starting from June 5 to June 30, the selected startups will pay $45 per person.